  • NCW - Non-Custodial Wallet.
  • Customer - A business entity that uses Fireblocks services.
  • Backend - The customer's backend that communicates with the Fireblocks API.
  • End User - Fireblocks customer's end-user (i.e. the consumer).
  • Device ID - A logical identifier representing an entity that stores a user key share and can participate in MPC operations for a given wallet. There is a unique identifier per SDK instance.
  • Physical Device ID - A logical identifier that represents a single device (mobile or web).
  • Message - Any MPC process-related message, such as key generation or transaction signing.
  • Passphrase - An end-user passphrase created for backup encryption.
  • Master Key - A unique master key that is used for key share derivation.
  • Quorum Key - A derived key share from the master key on Fireblocks side or a randomly generated one on the client side.