API Errors

This section specifically discusses API errors associated with NCW. To find information on other Fireblocks API errors, please refer to the "API Responses" section in the Fireblocks API documentation.

Every error is accompanied by the correct HTTP error code and a message structured as follows:

	error: 'HTTP Error description',
	message: 'Error message'

400 - Bad Request

No active webhook subscriptions

The workspace was not configured with a Webhook endpoint that is required for NCW async communication

Unsupported algorithm

The provided algorithm for MPC key generation is not supported. See MPC Key generation for reference.

Pagination limit too large

The provided pagination limit parameter is higher than 50.

Validation failed (numeric string is expected)

The API call was made with an invalid NCW wallet identifier or account ID

403 - Forbidden

Wallet disabled

The requested NCW is disabled. See Enable/Disable Wallets for reference.

Device disabled

The requested device is disabled. See Enable/Disable Devices for reference.

Tenant disabled

The entire Fireblocks workspace is disabled.

404 - Not Found

Wallet not found

The provided wallet ID was not found.

Device not found

The provided device ID was not found.

Tenant not found

The provided tenant ID was not found.

409 - Conflict

Incomplete MPC Setup

The MPC Key generation was not completed.

Ongoing setup already in motion

MPC Key generation ceremony is in process.