
Postman Guide

Video Guide


Postman is an application designed to help with API integration and exploration. Intuitive for different tech skill levels, Postman is the tool of choice both for experienced developers and no-code enthusiasts to become familiar with our available endpoints, requests, and responses.

Using our Postman Collection, you can start testing our API before writing a single line of code.


Create an API user with our Quickstart Guide or Sandbox Quickstart Guide, or watch the video above to see how to create an API user on a Sandbox environment.


  1. Install Postmanor use Postman offline.
  2. Download the NCW Collection & Boilerplate from the official Fireblocks Github ncw-docs repo.
  3. Go to Collections, and then press Import and select the downloaded ncw-postman-collection.json file.
  4. Go to Environments, and then press Import and select the downloaded Boilerplate Fireblocks Environment.postman_environment.json file.


  1. In the top-right corner, select No Environment > Boilerplate Fireblocks Environment.
  2. Select the Environments tab and then configure the following parameters:
    1. fireblocksApiKey: This parameter is the API key you can copy from the Fireblocks Console after creating an API user.
    2. fireblocksSecretKey: This is the fireblocks_secret.key file you created in the Quickstart Guide or downloaded in the Sandbox Quickstart Guide.
    3. baseUrl: For production workspaces, use For sandbox workspaces, use

Your result should be similar to the following:

Making your first request



The invokeWalletRpc endpoint should only be triggered by an action originating from an end-user device. Testing it from Postman or your backend will only provide partial results. Validate this endpoint once you complete setup.

  1. First, call the Create a new wallet endpoint.

  2. Select Send and then wait for the response. You should receive the following 201 Created response:

Good job! You have created your first non-custodial wallet with Fireblocks!