
Initializing the SDK

Overall flow

  1. Generate a device ID by calling the generateDeviceId() static method of the SDK.
  2. Assign the deviceId to a wallet on your backend server. (POST /v1/wallets/ can be executed at this point.)
  3. Initialize a new SDK instance.

Initialize the SDK

Generate a deviceId. This value is unique per SDK instance.

Each non-custodial wallet (NCW) walletId correlates to one or more deviceId:

// generate a device Id, do it only once per SDK instance

const deviceId = FireblocksNCW.generateDeviceId()
// generate a device ID, do it only once per SDK instance

val deviceId = Fireblocks.generateDeviceId();
// generate a device Id, do it only once per SDK instance

let deviceId = Fireblocks.generateDeviceId()

Create an SDK instance

When creating a new SDK instance, provide the NCW instance with the following parameters:


import { FireblocksNCW, IEventsHandler, IMessagesHandler, TEvent, InMemorySecureStorageProvider, FireblocksNCWFactory } from "@fireblocks/ncw-js-sdk";

// Initiate secure storage to hold generated data during SDK usage.
const secureStorageProvider = new InMemorySecureStorageProvider();

// Register a message handler to process outgoing message to your API
const messagesHandler: IMessagesHandler = {
  handleOutgoingMessage: (message: string) => {
    // Send the message to your API service

// Register an events handler to handle on various events that the SDK emitts
const eventsHandler: IEventsHandler = {
  handleEvent: (event: TEvent) => {
    if (event.type === 'key_descriptor_changed') {
      // Do something when the event is fired.

const deviceId = generateDeviceId(); // UUID

let logger: IndexedDBLogger | null = await IndexedDBLoggerFactory({ deviceId, logger: ConsoleLoggerFactory() });

fireblocksNCW = await FireblocksNCWFactory({
  logLevel: "INFO",
// create your own implementation of the FireblocksMessageHandler
val fireblocksMessageHandler = FireblocksMessageHandlerImpl()

// create your own implementation of the FireblocksKeyStorage
val fireblocksKeyStorage = FireblocksKeyStorageImpl()

// build your FireblocksOptions instance
 val fireblocksOptions = FireblocksOptions.Builder()
     .setEventHandler(object : FireblocksEventHandler {
override fun onEvent(event: Event) {
                    Timber.d("onEvent - $event")

// initialize the SDK
val fireblocksSdk = Fireblocks.initialize(
            context = applicationContext,
            deviceId = deviceId);
            messageHandler = fireblocksMessageHandler,
		 keyStorage = fireblocksKeyStorage,
 fireblocksOptions = fireblocksOptions);

// Once initialized you can fetch it by deviceId
val fireblocksSdk = Fireblocks.getInstance(deviceId)
// Build your FireblocksOptions instance and pass an optional delegate that conforms to EventHandlerDelegate protocol
let fireblocksOptions = FireblocksOptions(env: .sandbox, eventHandlerDelegate: self)

// Generate an instance and pass two mandatory delegates that conform to MessageHandlerDelegate and KeyStorageDelegate
let instance = try Fireblocks.initialize(deviceId: deviceId, messageHandlerDelegate: self, keyStorageDelegate: keyStorageProvider, fireblocksOptions: fireblocksOptions)

// Once the SDK is initialized you can also get it by using the getInstance command 
let instance = try Fireblocks.getInstance(deviceId: deviceId)



All SDKs (JS, Android, iOS) can be initialized with one of the following environments:
sandbox, production.

The environment initialization value will affect the selection of the correct root certificate in the SDK. If your tenant resides in the production environment (whether it be testnet or mainnet), then choose production. If you are exploring NCW using the sandbox, then simply choose sandbox.

Additional deviceId information

A deviceId is a UUID that you generate to reflect the identity of the client device. You should generate a deviceId when you want a new device to join a wallet, such as during the end-user sign-up process.

When the NCW SDK initializes, it has no information about what wallet it belongs to. Your backend needs to associate the walletId and deviceId when RPC calls occur. Therefore, we recommend storing the associated walletId and deviceId in a way that is quick to fetch the walletId by the deviceId.

Please note that if a wallet with a deviceId is fully initialized with keys on a physical device, you will only be able to transfer the keys that belong to that deviceId to another device via the recovery procedure and that this procedure also renders the original device incapable of performing any MPC-related operations.