
MPC Keys Generation


Once the user is logged in, we can initiate the MPC key share generation process. The currently supported algorithm is MPC_CMP_ECDSA_SECP256K1, which is the MPC-CMP version of the secp256k1 curve with the ECDSA algorithm supported by Bitcoin and EVM-based blockchains.

Fireblocks NCW SDK exposes the generateMPCKeys method for the MPC key generation process. The process is asynchronous and should be handled as described on the Asynchronous Model page.

Generating MPC Keys

First, you must specify the algorithm for the generated key:


// Get the MPC Key algorithm
const getDefaultAlgorithems = (): Set<TMPCAlgorithm> => {
  const algorithms = new Set<TMPCAlgorithm>();
  return algorithms;


Then, call the generateMPCKeys method:


await fireblocksNCW.generateMPCKeys(algorithms);
